HonHon's Hospital Diary

Thursday, October 20, 2011

HonHon's Hospital Diary

October 21st marks the first anniversary of
HonHon's hospitalization at Mount Sinai Hospital.

In memory of HonHon's days at Mt. Sinai,
DonDon presents "HonHon's Hospital Diary."

10/21/2010 - Day 1

After feeling pain in his chest all day,
HonHon checks himself in Mt. Sinai's ER...

HonHon gets two procedures between 2 am and 5 am,
one of which causes more complications later on....

DonHon were so naive then... thinking that HonHon
may be released the same day....
DonHon had no idea what was waiting for them...

10/22/2010 - Day 2

HonHon is moved to Center 7 of Mt. Sinai
and gets a fabulous single room!
HonHon is overwhelmed by the support his friends
showed by visiting and emailing him.

But HonHon is starting to feel that this may
not be an easy fight...


HonHon had to live with a tube pierced into his chest
for more than a week.

10/23/2011 - Day 3

Busy DonDon had to scramble work and HonHon
at the same time.....

DonDon's humor and company keep HonHon
happy and upbeat!

10/24/2010 - Day 4

Another day with so many visits from his close friends...

HonHon's pain is becoming more severe though
and at times he needed nurse's help to walk or move his body...

10/25/2010 - Day 5

The day HonHon (and DonDon) will never forget!!!

Around 9:30 am, doctors place a catheter on HonHon's back
to prepare him for epidural anesthesia...

DonDon still hears in his dreams
HonHon's scream from the epidural procedure.

Around 2 pm, HonHon is moved to operation room.

Around 8 pm, HonHon wakes up and finds himself 
in the recovery room.

Around 10:15 pm, HonHon is moved to a 24 hour care room.

The operation, which was performed by Dr. Kaufman,
a renowned physician in thoracic surgery, was successful!

Nonetheless, it would take HonHon more than
three months to completely recover.

10/26/2011 - Day 6

HonHon is moved to a new room and begins to
put up a vigorous fight to get his health back!

At the same time, HonHon is starting to notice 
things around him.... especially things that annoy him... 

For example, when the battery on his medical machine
was running low and his nurse never showed up,
despite the many requests he made,
HonHon takes a photo of the screen of the machine showing
"Low Battery"
so that he can present the photo as proof
when he later makes an official complaint.

So cute!
He must be feeling a little better, right?

10/27/2011 - Day 7

HonHon is slowly recovering, occasionally taking short walks
with DonDon inside Mt. Sinai...

And HonHon finally showed that "He is BACK!"
by getting into a nasty argument with his nurse,
the bitchy fat nurse with greasy hair, GILBERT.

Long story short -
DonDon tried to stay the night over by HonHon's side,
but Gilbert tried to kick DonDon out citing "hospital policy"

HonHon fought back arguing
"what about the (Jewish) family next to me?"
only to have Gilbert ask the Jewish family members
to leave the room as well,
which caused HonHon to just explode!
HonHon yelled out "STUPID!!!" and threw a napkin in the air.

So MACHO, right? kkk

But what helped HonHon to ultimately win this battle was

after arguing with Gilbert, HonHon's blood pressure
just skyrocketed over 180!!!

And thanks to HonHon's vulnerable blood pressure,
Gilbert was forced to let DonDon stay the night.

Good job, HonHon!

10/28/2011 - Day 8

HonHon now wants to know when he will be discharged.
He is getting tired of living in the hospital....

by the way, is that HonHon or Yoda?

 10/29/2010 - Day 9

Doctors tell HonHon there is a good chance
he will be discharged soon.

Unfortunately, it did not happen on this day.

But!!! Imaedas (the lucky couple who escaped all
the drama thanks to their trip to Japan) came back and 
visited HonHon with Koshame.
HonHon was happy :)

10/30/2010 - Day 10

Finally, DonHon are told that HonHon
will be discharged.  And before he can leave
the hospital, they have to take the tube out...

The sound of tube coming out of his chest was like
the sound of opening champagne bottles...

Happy HonHon soon starts to go pale....
Probably thinking "will I survive outside Mt. Sinai?"
"was I too mean to Gilbert?" kkk

Did HonHon poopoo? kkk

Welcome home!
DonHon's daughter, Antoinette, joins to celebrate
HonHon's discharge and to cook for

Of course, the first thing HonHon wants to do
is DRINK! 
But he only gets a sip!!!

Antoinette thinking "can I go home now?"

Thanks to everyone's support and prayers,
HonHon is very healthy and very annoying (as always) these days.

DonDon would like to take this opportunity
to thank everyone once again
for their support and friendship!

Some interesting notes
  • Rumor has it that Antoinette and Tomoya drank beer in HonHon's hospital room.
  • Ms. Suzuki visited HonHon 5 times (more than anyone else except of course for DonDon).
  • Antoinette spent the most number of hours (except of course for DonDon) in HonHon's room.
  • More than 15 friends had visited HonHon while he was hospitalized.
  • HonHon had to move rooms 6 times while he was hospitalized.
  • Nurses complained when HonHon moved from one room to another that DonHon had too much stuff (thanks to all the food and magazines HonHon's friends brought).  All their stuff would have needed more than 4 suitcases!
  • HonHon is still paying the hospital bills as of today.
  • HonHon is still struggling to quit smoking.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Gay Pride 2011

for the long awaited approval of
same-sex marriage in NY!!!


NYC Gay Pride
on June 26, 2011

So rare for DonHon to be mingling with gays...
But they had to this day!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

DonDon's Birthday

For about 2 weeks before his birthday,
Don has been telling Hon:

"Don't do anything special for my birthday!"
"Don't spend too much money for me!"
"Don't pressure your friends to do something for my birthday!"
"Let's just go to cheap restaurant on my birthday!"
"I don't need a surprise!"

Don really knows how to pressure Hon, right?
It is really difficult to prepare a party
when the main subject of the party
is constantly talking/thinking about the party and
reminding others that it is his birthday soon!

Thursday, June 16th

In order to give DonDon a surprise,
HonHon left work early and headed to Party City
and decorated their apartment.....

Don's long time dream just came true.

So happy!!!
(why in underwear?????)

Good job, HonHon!


Friday, June 17th

DonHon went to Asiate in Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

AMAZING view of the city and the Central Park!!!

All the dishes here are so great and highly recommended!!!
They had the wine pairing course dinner.

Strawberry-Rhuharb Consomme Lemongrass Froth

Tuna (Tartare, Sashimi, Tataki)

Buckwheat and Eggs
(with caviar, sea urchin, and salmon roe)


Black Cod


Wagyu Beef

Warm Chocolate Cake
with a special birthday message for Don!

Happy Birthday DonDon!!

Saturday, June 18th

DonHon's day started with putting on
the facial masks
so that they can welcome their friends
with super-moisturized faces!!! kkk

TV screen shows slide show of pictures from
DonHon's recent trip to the Key West.
Such an annoying couple.....

Sushi Chef Koshame and Imaedas came early to prepare foods :)

Chef Koshame's appetizers were so gorgeous!!!

Chef Koshame brought two sea urchin cases just for Don,
who is so obsessed with sea urchin...

wonder how much it would cost
to have all these appetizers at a restaurant...

chef Koshame is just amazing!

Show time!!!

Beautiful sashimi from the fish in the above video.

Sea bass baked in salt

Now, time to open the gifts!!!

Tumi bag from Hon
(Don looks like a very greedy and spoiled brat here)

Roses from Mino and Hon.
Socks-Panda made by Mai. SOOOO CUUUTE!!!
(Don loves pandas!)

Sexy shot from DonHon's bad daughter,
who is always more worried about getting drunk
than anything else...

Home made dried grapes by Imaedas.
Imaedas also brought for Don beef jerkeys, dried squid,
cheese cakes... all home made!!! AMAZING farmers!

Birthday card made by Ms. Imaeda.

Don was forced to cry here! kkk

The art piece from Mr. Imaeda
and all the gifts from friends.

During the party,
Hon was taken to the bathroom by Mai and Imaedas.

Yes, of course they never come to a party without a surprise!!!

Hon got a little scared when they told him
"Take off your clothes!!!"

(panda? or is he going to rob a bank or what?)

Mino and DonDon cooked Korean BBQ.

Don's lips are white after kissing THE PANDA.


Party gurus kept drinking from noon to midnight.....


Wrapped up the party the NYC's best ramen, Tsukushi's!!!