HonHon's Hospital Diary

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Dec 26th, 2010, the city woke up to a big snow storm.
To the best of DonHon's knowledge,
it was the biggest snow storm they ever experienced
since moving to the city.

DonHon spent their day at home cooking,
working out and taking sauna at the gym,
watching figure skating competition "Japanese Championship 2010",
taking a hot bath....
unusually quiet and peaceful day for them
except the crazy WEATHER outside!!!

They decided to go out for dinner despite the horrible weather because:

1. They wanted to feel the actual first snow of the season
(they must have thought it's so romantic or cute...)

2. There wasn't enough food in the fridge
and they didn't want to order delivery food
feeling so bad for the delivery people working under this weather

3. Just wanted to take some photos
so that DonHon's blog can be updated!!!  

As they were leaving the lobby of their apartment building, 
Paul, the doorman, waved his hands advising them not to go out...

DonHon just laughed it off and left the apartment
so excited like 10 year old children....


only 15 seconds after they stepped out of their building...............

They realized Paul was SO RIGHT!!!!

The temperature was -6℃ and felt like -12℃....

and they couldn't see anything because of the wind and snow
constantly hitting their faces and eyes.
Don screamed "my eyes, my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!"
and Hon kindly shouted "walk behind me!!!"
(but the wind was coming from so many directions
that walking behind Hon didn't really help Don)

But they were so determined to complete their mission,
which was to take lots of photos!!!

Dinner at Ollie's
yummy and very spicy Sichuan dishes :)
they were glad they walked through the storm
to come to this restaurant for dinner...
(FYI, the restaurant is only 3 blocks away from their apartment)

After the dinner, they were even more determined to
document this weather by taking lots of PICS.

Enjoy the pics please and everyone stay warm!!!!

Hon murdered by Don? kkk

after surviving the storm and making it safely back to their apartment,
Paul welcomed them by saying "You guys made it back!!!"

DonHon just never know when to stop..
they went to their rooftop to take more pictures...

DonHon's first Christmas Eve

To celebrate their first Christmas Eve together,
DonHon planned a very busy day...
which seemed a little too ambitious given their age
and given that they drank a lot the previous night
(according to some sources, they held a wonderful Christmas party
at their place the previous night and showed off Rudolph to their friends)

DonHon's first stop - Union Square
the place is filled with beautiful Christmas shops
(none of which DonHon found interesting).

Don looking like he is just out of a cute Christmas card :)

Their visit to Union Square lasted only 20 minutes...
They were so exhausted after walking around and taking pics
that they started discussing where to go for a coffee break...

DonHon's second stop - Max Brenner Chocolate Bar

This stop was not in their original plan,
but DonHon really needed a break... 

White Choloate Cookies and Dark Hot Chocolate
with a shot of alcohol
(and of course ordered by our favorite alcoholic, Mr. Hon)

DonHon's third stop - Rockefeller Center

Long overdue Christmas message from DonHon
to all the readers around the world!

메리 크리스마스!!!
С Рождеством!!!
Je vous souhaite un joyeux Noe:l !!!

Čestit Božić !!!
Feliz Navidad !!!


DonHon's fourth stop - St. Malachy's Actors Chapel

After their short visit to Rockefeller Center,
Don dragged Hon to his church for the Christmas Eve mass
(the church for people in the entertainment business
and semi-professional bloggers like DonHon!!!)

Some witnessed DonHon both dozing off during the mass service... 
Also some witnessed Hon singing Christmas carols so enthusiastically :)

DonHon's fifth stop - Wolfgang Steakhouse at Park Avenue

DonHon's choice - as usual oysters and steak (porterhouse steak for two)
and red wine (Silverado Cabernet Sauvignon 2005)

Hon looking full and happy :)
To readers: "Don't you think Hon is getting cuter everyday?"

DonHon's last stop - Upstairs at Kimberly Hotel
DonHon winded down their Christmas Eve
with a bottle of white wine and good music at Upstairs :)

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

East Village with Angelina

DonHon rarely hang out in East Village,
but Angelina was attractive enough to make them
drag their feet all the way down to St. Marks.

After enjoying some nice Champagne and wines, they got drunk AGAIN!!!

On the way to round two,
drunk DonHonLina found some cute animal-shaped knit caps sold by a street vendor.

They were $12 each, but DonHonLina bargained and got them for $32 in total!!!
(not a big difference, though...kkk)

Go restaurant (Japanese izakaya place)

At a Korean bar


After taking this photo,
Don and Angelina started such a long conversation.

Captions are intentionally removed.
Please enjoy the below somewhat meaningless photos with your imagination :)

These days, Angelina has tried sooooo hard to become photogenic!!


not bad..... right?

This chicken is UNBELIEVABLY...................


Monday, December 20, 2010

a typical weekday for DonHon

Hagi, a popular Japanese izakaya located in Times Square,
is DonHon's favorite rendezvous place on weedays after work.

DonHon didn't have anything to celebrate this day...
other than the fact they are just in love.... kkk

so like they always do, they start driking heavily
and talking about their work and day... and just getting drunk... 

Hon studying the menu, which he must have read million times,
really closesly to pick out dishes for Don :)

Hon shows his affection for Don by
sticking out his long tongue and licking Don's forehead.
Don seems to really like it...

They are just weird....

DonHon enjoying their drunkeness in Times Square :)

Pretending to be tourists :)

Hon looking cute :)

Don, the McDONald moster, has invaded Times Square...
This monster is even scarier than Godzilla!!!!

another shot with DonHon acting as if they are tourists :)