HonHon's Hospital Diary

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Dec 26th, 2010, the city woke up to a big snow storm.
To the best of DonHon's knowledge,
it was the biggest snow storm they ever experienced
since moving to the city.

DonHon spent their day at home cooking,
working out and taking sauna at the gym,
watching figure skating competition "Japanese Championship 2010",
taking a hot bath....
unusually quiet and peaceful day for them
except the crazy WEATHER outside!!!

They decided to go out for dinner despite the horrible weather because:

1. They wanted to feel the actual first snow of the season
(they must have thought it's so romantic or cute...)

2. There wasn't enough food in the fridge
and they didn't want to order delivery food
feeling so bad for the delivery people working under this weather

3. Just wanted to take some photos
so that DonHon's blog can be updated!!!  

As they were leaving the lobby of their apartment building, 
Paul, the doorman, waved his hands advising them not to go out...

DonHon just laughed it off and left the apartment
so excited like 10 year old children....


only 15 seconds after they stepped out of their building...............

They realized Paul was SO RIGHT!!!!

The temperature was -6℃ and felt like -12℃....

and they couldn't see anything because of the wind and snow
constantly hitting their faces and eyes.
Don screamed "my eyes, my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!"
and Hon kindly shouted "walk behind me!!!"
(but the wind was coming from so many directions
that walking behind Hon didn't really help Don)

But they were so determined to complete their mission,
which was to take lots of photos!!!

Dinner at Ollie's
yummy and very spicy Sichuan dishes :)
they were glad they walked through the storm
to come to this restaurant for dinner...
(FYI, the restaurant is only 3 blocks away from their apartment)

After the dinner, they were even more determined to
document this weather by taking lots of PICS.

Enjoy the pics please and everyone stay warm!!!!

Hon murdered by Don? kkk

after surviving the storm and making it safely back to their apartment,
Paul welcomed them by saying "You guys made it back!!!"

DonHon just never know when to stop..
they went to their rooftop to take more pictures...


  1. hahaha. I respect how much you guys sacrifice yourselves to keep your readers entertained...

  2. chamin(tyamin)12/27/10, 11:18 AM

    Thank you for giving us the unique & crazy & make us cold pictures!!
    I can't go out...stay home...

  3. NYEEL & chamin (tyamin)

    I'm glad you guys appreciate our challenge :) Snow + Wind gave us so much pain on our faces.... but we enjoyed it.
    Our area is especially very windy. We couldn't even walk forward against the wind yesterday, and we saw a chihuahua got blown off!!! Thanks God, his owner didn't release the leash.

  4. 여기도 눈 많이 와서 나도 특별한 이벤트를 했어.......집에서 안 나가기. ㅡㅡ;; (형수)

  5. 형수야!방가방가^^ 코멘트 남겨줘서 고마워. 한국 눈 많이 왔다는 얘기는 들었어... 열나 춥다며?

    가끔 놀러와서 나 어떻게 사는지 체크해주려무나~~~~

  6. I know that even those terrible weather must be a enjoyable memory to the couple to write their stories together. Surely, the background of the pic looks like a disaster, but you guys in all the pics are smiling brightly... haha, good for you~! :)

    Happy New year, Don and brother in law~!

  7. 아, 동혁형, Roy는 강노야. ㅋ 영어가 안되서 잘못된게 많지만 그래도 앞으로는 영어로 쓰겠음. 새해복많이 받으시오! 형부도 ㅋㅋ

  8. Hi Roy!!!

    Happy New Year! Your brother-in-law also wishes you a happy new year :) Can't wait to see you!

    글구 너 영어 너무 잘 한다고 내 "혼혼"이 전해주래~ 계속 영어로 포스팅해줘.

    근데 왜 Roy야? ㅋㅋㅋ

  9. My previous English teacher called me 'Roy'. I think that sounds smillar with last part of my Korean name 'Kangroh Lee'.
    When I was searching good English name, all Yeonjae recommended 'Vulindar' and Hyungsoo did 'Lisa'. So, I still keep using 'Roy'... haha...

    well, see you soon in Korea~!!! :)

  10. See you soon, Vulindar!!! puhahahaha :) By the way, aren't you traveling? i saw pics of you traveling... hmmmmm....
