HonHon's Hospital Diary

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

DonHon Island

Since Don kept whining all this winter
"I'm really fed up with this cold weather...,"

DonHon decided to get away from Manhattan and enjoy
the Caribbean weather in Puerto Rico!!!

Don was such a good gambler,
and as soon as he laid his hands on the slot machine,,,,,




With the money Don won,

DonHon went real estate shopping,
and bought themselves a small island
and named it DonHon Island!!!!!!

the beach on DonHon Island...
soft sands, crystal clear water, nice waves and no man-made noise.

Marine blue ocean!!!

Hon standing on the beach after running around
like some indigenous people
(and hopefully to lose some of his fat.. kkk)

so warm and peaceful!!!

"Fuck all the projects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"I'm so freeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

probably what Don was thinking...

Hon also feels so free!

I wanna be a ballerino in my next life!!!


Competitive Don shouted,

"NOT BEFORE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

DonHon went exploring their Island,
and found a little monkey looking for his food.

The monkey was very aggressive and
screamed "THIS IS MINE!!!!!"

And they found another monkey nearby!

This one just seemed so happy and kept screaming

Then the other monkey also joined and stared crying

Don's foot steps.

Is he an idol in Playgirl?????

Is he a Korean actor in teens magazine?
(which is sold only in Korea...)

Hon's dream to become a mermaid comes true!!!!!
No wonder he has such a LONG body!!!

Hon wants an an offer from
Medalla beer (Puerto Rico domestic beer)
for their comercial.


Let's come to DonHon Island this summer or earlier!!!
(DonHon is planning to come back here again this May!
Join DonHon if interested!!!)

Competitive Don was also practicing for
the Medalla beer comercial!!!

This post may contain some fiction and 
the facts of the post have not been verified.


What Have DonHon Been Up To These Days?

When DonHon visited Korea,
Hon noticed that all of Don's friends were carrying smartphones.
To help Don stay in touch with his friends better
and to show Don his appreciation of Don's hospitality
during their visit to Korea,
Hon offered to buy Don an iPhone.

So on a cold Sunday afternoon,
they headed toward the Apple store on 5th Avenue.

On the way to the Apple store,
DonHon, of course, had to take some pics by the Central Park.


After spending almost an hour at the store,
Don finally had his own iPhone.

The Apple store employee handed Don his first iPhone,
shook his hand and officially announced
"Welcome to the FAMILY!"


Don now finally has joined the iPhone Family :)

Happy Don showing off his iPhone with a big smile 
in front of the Apple Store.

FYI - Don used to really dislike Apple.
But he already was an admirer of Apple
within less than a minute after he walked out of the store.

And once DonHon came back home,
Don was glued to their couch downloading different applications
and studying so hard to become a GOOD member of the FAMILY!

Hon was so happy to see Don playing with his new toy...
but at the same time Hon became a little concerned
that Don would be so busy with his new toy and
wouldn't have time to play with his old toy, which is Hon. kkk

 After seeing how Don was happy with his iPhone,
(or maybe after seeing that Don was putting
on some weight recently.... kkk)
Hon decided to get Don a pair of running shoes.

Don showing off his new running shoes!!!

While on the subject of FEET,
when DonHon were in Korea,
Hon got a "seven-day miracle feet REPAIR"
(a feet mask per say) for his dirty feet... kkk

So every night for 7 days,
Don applied the seven-day miracle solution
on Hon's feet and Hon would sit still
for an hour on their couch like the above....
And the program really worked 
and Hon now has baby feet!!!

Kind of creepy to have baby's skin
on that LONG feet though! kkk

To celebrate the Valentine's day,
DonHon made a trip to their favorite neighborhood in the city,
West Village :)

Brunch at OAC Garden, French restaurant.

Even though it was a bit early,
DonHon had to kick off the Valentine's day with
a glass of champage

After the brunch,
Hon following Don's posing instruction....
but still very LONG!!! 

And guess what!
For the Valentine's day Don bought Hon an iPhone :) 
(FYI - a source close to Don reveals that
Hon did not get Don anything on the Valentine's day)

Now DonHon have the same iPhone!

Hon looking happy at the Apple store :)
this time Don officially announced to Hon
"Welcome to the FAMILY!!!!"

At home, Hon saying "Thank You!"
and showing his appreciation with a rice ball :)

Aren't they just adorable????

Okay, stop vomiting please!!!! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Billy and Friends

Suzukis and DonHon's night-out to see Billy Elliot
at Imperial Theatre, NYC

  Hon and the Suzukis

DonHon after the show...
such a poor pic taken by Pika

Anna invited her parents, DonHon,
and her favorite couple, the Suzukis
for a night of NABE

Anna and Pika went shopping
all the way to New Jersey
to get Japanese groceries and good Sake!!!

Don's favorite Tako-wasa
Girls bought this especially for Don

The salmon looks so lonely...

Marinated sardines

The salmon still looks lonely even with Moet Chandon rose.....

Miso flavored Nabe

Anna was well prepared and
changed the flavor from Miso to Kimchi!!!!!

The Kimchi nabe was such a success!!!!!

DonHon were so proud of their daughter.
Good job, Angelina!!!

Three girls and Two gays @ Docks

fried calamari


Valentine's day special - Lover's roll.

Did greedy Pica finish all those oysters by herself?
Seems so happy in the pic...
Such a cute housewife!!!

porcini with swordfish

Lobster risotte

Fried oysters

Cream spinach

sea bass

after the dinner, the friends headed to Japanese karaoke...

Drunk and happy girls (plus one gay) walking down the street
on a friday night,
re-enacting the opening credit scene from
Sex and the City?

Who is Carrie?
Who is Samantha?
Who is Charlotte?
Who is Miranda?

Is Hon Mr. Big? hahahahaha
NO, He is just Mr. LONG!!!

Everybody enjoyed Maiko's singing of
Tomoe Shinohara's song.

She was such an idol FOR Maiko in her high school days.